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The name of this association shall be the Stark County Association for Justice. The purpose of this association shall be the advancement of the skills of civil litigation and advocacy; to advance the cause of those who are damaged in person and property; to protect the civil justice system; to resist any effort to reduce, limit, or remove the rights of individuals that seek remedy through the civil justice system; to uphold and defend The United States Constitution, The Ohio Constitution and laws of the United States; to encourage cooperation among lawyers engaged in the furtherance of such objectives, and through such cooperation to promote justice, professionalism, and humanity.



A) All members of the Stark County Bar or other county bar associations, engaged in the full time practice of law, and in practice for a minimum of two (2) years shall be eligible for membership in the Stark County Association for Justice provided they meet the following criteria:
1. They are dedicated to the representation of individuals in personal injury, products liability, Workers’ compensation, disability, employment, consumer, or other personal rights within the civil justice system.
2. They do not represent insurance companies in the defense of individuals, corporations, or governmental agencies in the defense of personal injury, product liability, workers compensation, disability, employment, consumer, or other personal rights.
3. Each member shall share information, techniques, or experiences in the field of law in which he or she practices.
4. Admission of new members and continuation of membership shall be exclusively determined by the Board of Trustees.
5. No member shall send, or knowingly permit to be sent on the member’s behalf, a written communication that concerns an action for personal injury or wrongful death or otherwise relates to an accident or disaster involving the person to whom the communication is addressed or a relative of that person. 
B) Any member whose dues are not paid by the fifteenth day of January of the calendar year in which such dues are payable shall be removed from the Membership Roll, after prior notice of such action is mailed to the member by the Treasurer.



The annual dues of this Association shall be fixed at $175.00 per annum for members admitted to the practice of law for more than five years and $80.00 per annum for members admitted to the practice of law for five years or less. Annual dues shall be payable in advance during the month of January of each calendar year. The amount of the annual dues may be changed by majority vote of the members in good standing present at any annual meeting.



A) The annual meeting of the Association shall be held during the month of March each year, the exact time and place to be fixed by the President, with the advice and consent of the Board of Trustees. There shall be such regular meetings, from time to time, as shall be fixed by the President, with the advice and consent of the Board of Trustees.
B) All meetings of the Association, the Board of Trustees, and any of its committees shall be conducted in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order, unless otherwise directed by this Constitution.



The governing body of this Association shall be a Board of Trustees comprised of the nine trustees provided in Article VI. This Board of Trustees shall meet at least once each month for ten months during each calendar year at a time and place designated by the President. A majority of such trustees shall constitute a quorum for purposes of doing business at any meeting of the Board of Trustees. This Board of Trustees shall serve as the executive body of this Association, with full power to meet and act in any and all matters pertaining to the operation of this Association, except as provided in Article III.



A) The officers of this Association shall consist of a president, a vice-president, a secretary, a treasurer, and five trustees. The immediate past president shall automatically serve as trustee ex officio, and the other five trustees shall be elected as provided in Article VII.
B) The President shall preside at all meetings, shall direct all the affairs of-the Association during the interim between annual meetings, with the advice and consent of the Board of Trustees, and he shall appoint all committees which he may deem advisable, or which he may be directed to appoint by the Board of Trustees or the membership.
C) The Vice-President shall be empowered to act in the place and stead of the President during any and all absences of the President from any meetings of the Association.
D) The Secretary shall perform such duties as he is directed to perform by the President or the Board of Trustees.
E) The Treasurer shall take charge of and collect all dues and other funds paid into the Association and keep a true and accurate account of all receipts and disbursements. Withdrawals of the funds of the Association shall be made only as directed by the Board of Trustees of the Association and executed by the Treasurer and the President.



A) Elections shall be held every two years for the offices of president, vice-president, secretary, and treasurer. Any vacancy among the offices, other than President occurring after an annual election shall be filled by a majority vote of the remaining Board of Trustees. The Vice President shall succeed to any vacancy of the office of President until the expiration of such vacated term.In 1981, elections shall be held for the position of trustee, as follows:
1. Three trustees to be elected to a term of two years;
2. Two trustees to be elected to a term of one year.Thereafter, the terms of all trustees shall be two years.
B) Nominations for all offices shall be made at a regular meeting of the general membership held during the month of February. A nominating committee, consisting of the immediate past president as chairman and two additional members appointed by the Board of Trustees, shall nominate candidates for all offices. Nominations may be made from the floor, and shall be seconded by one member.
C) All members whose dues are paid for the current year shall cast their ballots at the annual meeting.
D) The candidate receiving the highest number of votes for each office shall be installed in office at the annual meeting. In the event of a tie, a special election for such office shall be held by secret ballot at the annual meeting.



This constitution shall become effective on January 1, 1981 and thereafter may be amended by a majority vote of the members present at any regular meeting of the general membership; provided, however, a written copy of any proposed amendment shall be mailed to all members at least 20 days prior to such meeting.



Membership will terminate on the death or resignation of a member. Membership in the Stark County Association for Justice may be revoked by the affirmative vote of at least two-thirds of the members present at a duly called meeting of the members of this Association at which a quorum is present.

Any officer or board member elected by the membership or by the board of trustees may be removed whenever in its judgment the best interests of the Stark County Association for Justice would be served thereby. Such removal must be by an affirmative vote of a majority of the trustees present at a duly called meeting of the trustees at which a quorum is present.



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